Important points business owners should know about employment law.
Staying Educated on Employment Law is Crucial:
- You're expected to know and comply with the law as a business owner.
- Don't ignore mail from regulatory bodies - you're liable for it.
- Recent changes can impact your business:
*Six factor test to determine contractor vs. employee status.
*Salary threshold increases.
*Misclassified workers are the #1 IRS fine for small businesses - this can lead to back pay and penalties.
Hiring a Payroll Company is Beneficial:
- They educate you and guide you into compliance.
- Don't rely solely on payroll software companies - their call center staff may not be experts.
- Benefit eligibility depends on time on payroll.
Changes in Tax Law:
- Creates more unemployment due to increased costs for small businesses.
- Seems more about tax revenue than worker protection.
Claims and Complaints are on the Rise:
- EEOC had a record $665 million recovery for workers in 2023.
- Social media and culture can encourage frivolous claims.
- Workplace violence is a concern.
Key Takeaway:
- Be Proactive: Stay informed, comply with regulations, and seek expert guidance when needed.
- Protect Your Business: Understand the risks and take steps to mitigate them.